Hi, welcome! I’m Jill, I’ve been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2016 and graduated from Bellevue School of Massage. Health and wellness are a huge passion for me and I strive every day to learn something new about how the body functions and how to provide self-care for myself and pass this knowledge onto others.
My biggest passions are ones that take me outdoors: backpacking, mountain biking, snowboarding, and hiking are at the top of the list. I love to travel, I practice yoga most days, and cooking big healthy meals brings me tons of joy. I enjoy nerding out and learning how different food affects the body in different ways and it inspires me to cook meals that fuel the body, not just fill the belly. I have a food and travel blog that I enjoy tinkering away at in my spare time and I love to be able to share all my recipes:

As an avid outdoor adventurist, I push myself physically and mentally with all different kinds of mountain sports. But there has to be a balance, as there is with everything in life. The yin to the yang. Rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation is crucial in-between the exhilarating adventures in order to perform at your very best. Sleep, massage, yoga, and healthy food (fuel) are just as important to focus on as all the fast-paced mountain sports because it’s all connected! If you don’t take the time for self-care, you’ll end up trudging through life and eventually the bare minimum seems like a mountain to climb. I know this because I’ve been there! When you take care of your body then suddenly climbing a mountain isn’t a chore — it’s what you seek out.